This is the ComutaCar. It's an Electric car that was made in 1980, so it looks like what they thought the future would look like- in the 80's. Like the title indicates, it's basically a golf cart, with explosives mounted on the front and back. Notice that box? That's where the batteries live! (Note: If you happen to be an Instagrammer, you can follow @explosive_golfcart to keep updated there!) Currently, it has no batteries- So I'm building it some. For now, let's take a look at the fabulous specifications of electric cars from the 80's. 6 HP DC motor 50 MPH (theoretical) top speed 48V battery pack, max current draw of 125A ABS plastic body, over "aircraft grade" aluminum frame In 1980, Consumer Safety Report rated it "Not acceptable". They reviewed it with another small electric car, and the front axle of that one caved in. The ComutaCar's axle didn't, so it's safe, comparatively. I got...
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